Rabba is the latest Punjabi songs. If you are looking for rabba songs lyrics, you at the best place you have not to move anywhere. We are here to share new Panjabi song 2016 which name is Rabba. This song album name is Tiger and sing by the Ustad Fateh Ali Khan, Music given by Laddi Gill, Lyrics : Happy Raikot and Label : Saga Music Pvt Ltd. These are all about the Rabba song.
Song Credits -
Album : Tiger
Singer : Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Music : Laddi Gill
Lyrics : Happy Raikoti
Label : Saga Music Pvt Ltd
Lyrics : Happy Raikoti
Label : Saga Music Pvt Ltd
Editor : Archit Rastogi
Rabbaa mere yar nu akhan sahwe rehnde------2
Rajjeya ni dil mera hor tak lainde
Hor tak laindeRabba mera yaar nu akhan sahwe rehnde .......2Mangi na muraad khaase chir toh main tere toh
Ehni ku je mann lave Vaare jawaan tere toh .....2
Dil diya gallan ajj dil tayi painde ------2
Rajjeya ni dil mera hor tak lainde -------2
Hor tak laindeRabbaa mera yar nu akhan sahwe rehnde-----2Dil vich yaar layi pyar beshumar ae
Duniya tohn sohna mere yaar da deedar aeTapda ae dil thodi thand ajj pain de
Rajjeya ni dil mera hor tak lainde
Hor tak laindeRabba mera yaar nu akhan sahwe rehnde....2Happy Raikoti rabba ik deewana ae
Koi parvah nai kehnda jo vi zamana ae....2
Duniya de teer jehde khain de ne khain de .....2Rajjeya nai dil mera hor tak lainde
Hor tak laindeRabba mera yaar nu akhan sahwe rehnde ....2
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